Why Software Wants to Get a Little More Personal

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The digital workplace has continued to provide users a productive and satisfying user experience (UX), consistently delivering optimized solutions. UX includes the practical, experiential, effective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-software interaction. It also includes a person’s perceptions of specifics like utility, simplicity and efficiency. UX may be considered subjective in nature; however, according to Liraz Matgalit, personal experience (PX) is on the rise—a perception that tends to be even more subjective.

Expert: Liraz Margalit 
Site: Behind Online Behavior  

In 2016, we will see a turning point from the field of UX as we know it, to the field of PXdelivering Personalized Experience. More and more businesses are discovering the value of customization, the opportunity to deliver a customized experience and the additional revenue potential that can be generated from it. So strong has it become, that today, many popular brands rest their entire business strategy on their ability to customize their products. It can be a shoe, a cellular phoneeven the experience itself.
Margalit believes the ability to customize software has become increasingly desirable. When once it was only possible for users to be on the receiving end of how their software operates, they now are able to co-create the technical platforms they’re using. This idea of a “personal experience” has the potential to become a valuable concept to integrate because it can change general UX to one that genuinely meets the personal needs of the user. ClickTale research has found that the ability to influence individual experience automatically generates emotional involvement.
Margalit and her team have discovered a way to rethink personalization. Their method provides a solution that can predict the behavior of the visitors, and recommend suggestions based on those predictions. From this data, they receive valuable insights that reveal the secret of user online behavior, so to speak. Pretty impressive, if you ask us!
Big data is definitely capable of telling a general story, providing broad insight into UX, but how do we determine the supporting details and the morale of the story—all the components that make the tale unique? Object recognition. The process of identifying a specific object in a digital capacity through matching, learning or pattern-recognition algorithms accurately advises customers on how to optimize their web design according to specific PX.
So what’s the new buzz in the digital world? It’s getting pretty personal. Constructing software solutions via these platforms allows your business to upgrade from UX to PX, creating clarity in the strategies you pursue.
About Liraz Margalit
Liraz Margalit, PhD, is a web psychologist and Director of Behavioral Analytics at ClickTale, a company that provides website optimization platform and consulting. She analyzes online consumer behavior from a cognitive behavioral psychological perspective. Her analyses incorporate theory and academic research into a conceptual framework that creates insights into online consumer behavior. Liraz writes an ongoing blog for Psychology Today named “Behind Online Behavior.” She previously held a post-doctoral internship with the Program of Political Psychology and Decision Making at the Lauder School of Government – IDC (Herzlia)where she is a lecturer.
